《卡耐基写给女人的一生幸福书》在本书中,讲述了许多鲜活生动的事例,大到名人的惊世之举,小到百姓的平凡琐事,涵盖了女人的方方面面,并从独特的视角分析女性认识自我、完善人格、提升魅力所需具备的诸多要素,是每一位女性可以效法的力作。无论您是对未来充满无限憧憬的年轻女孩,还是经历过风风雨雨的成熟女士,都可以在这里找到幸福的秘笈!让天下女人认识自己,完善自己,提升自身魅力,成就辉煌事业,获取幸福婚姻,创崭新的人生。改变女性一生的幸福圣经。Hunger and Thirst
Hunger and Thirst is Richard Matheson's first and until now previously unpublished novel, written fifty-plus years ago when Matheson was only twenty-three-years old. Matheson's agent told him it was unpublishable due to its length and so to that end, Matheson put the manuscript in a drawer and left for California where his writing career changed dramatically. The action in Hunger and Thirst centers around Erick, who lies paralyzed on his bed after being shot during a botched bank robbery. As he lies there, Erick contemplates the mess that his life has become and holds out hope to be saved.