《染布》、《难忘那双大头鞋》、《倒小肠》、《乡戏》、《偷粪》、《卖豆腐的男孩》、《吃鱼》、《剃头》、《一块旧表》……《温暖的石头》再现作者相裕亭亲历的、看到的、听到的事与物,大到宇宙空间,小到尘埃飞舞里的几多喜悦、悲伤、欢乐、情恋,历经作者精心打磨,跃然纸上,读来温馨、雅趣,回味无穷。回忆,真是很奇妙!久留心底的往事,可以在回忆里让其情景再现。消逝的童年、远去的故乡,甚至是自己至亲至爱的故人,都能在回忆中一一找回。《温暖的石头》再现作者亲历的、看到的、听到的事与物,大到宇宙空间,小到尘埃飞舞里的几多喜悦、悲伤、欢乐、情恋,历经作者精心打磨,跃然纸上,读来温馨、雅趣,回味无穷。The Dawn is Golden
Forced to accept the blame for a robbery, Melanie Grayshott's choices are limited--and she's desperate to hide from the police. When handsome and wealthy Vidas Loudaros offers her a chance to escape, she jumps at it.But Vidas' help comes at a price. He's willing to hide her on his opulent, private Greek island--but she must become his mistress. Vidas' dark, arrogant good looks are more than tempting--and his caresses set her blood on fire. But can Melanie truly surrender to a man who demands she trade her innocence for his protection?夫人很忙:将军偏爱重生妻
“他永远不会爱你。”她是天之骄女,却受尽折磨惨死荒郊。重活一世,杀机四伏。斗祖母,破迷局,她一次次死里逃生。一场又一场的混乱里,她和他紧紧绑在一起。带着凤凰命格,成为权谋焦点,她走得步步惊心。当事实真相被解开,她才知道前世今生两人错过的有多远。在四伏的危机里,季昀强势而来,还她一场两世深情。The Rise and Progress of Palaeontology