本书研究清代扬州盐商的诗文、戏剧活动;梳理其文学艺术活动的基本面貌和对地方文事活动的贡献,探究盐商作家文学创作的内在动机,重新认识、评价盐商文人群体的精神追求及其创作的社会价值、盐商作家的文化品格;探究商人群体与文人阶层的互动影响,揭示造就地域文化繁荣的特点、机制等。其中重点研究清初的盐商诗人孙枝蔚、雍乾和乾隆时期的盐商诗人马曰琯和马曰璐兄弟、乾隆时期以布衣交天子的盐商文学活动家江春等人的文学活动经历。Kinetic Golf
In Kinetic Golf, Nick Bradley uses 115 extraordinary photographs, accompanied by clear, direct text, to raise the bar on golf instruction and give golfers—amateur or professional—a unique way of actually feeling their way to mastering the game. Offering insights that words alone cannot convey, the book provides a vastly improved golf game as the reward. Drawing upon his deep knowledge of trade and Tour secrets, Bradley shows how to build a powerful and consistent game while also debunking many of the myths that cloud the confidence and hinder the performance of the novice and developing golfer. Throughout Kinetic Golf, Bradley boils down the very essence of swing motion and technique, blends it with a feeling, and then creates an image that says it all. Take one look, and you'll get the picture.