在现代生活中,口才是衡量一个人学识和魅力的重要标准之一。笨嘴拙舌、词不达意的人往往四处碰壁;寸步难行。而巧舌如簧、能言善辩的人则可以左右逢源,无往不胜。 口才好的人更容易成功,是因为他们总能把话说得恰到好处,说到他人心里。这种高品质的沟通不仅能让交流无障、谈话愉快,而且能帮助你轻松交际,达成所愿。独占鲜妻:席先生,宠不停!
为了妈妈的医药费,顾淼淼被迫和昔日的情人酒店重逢。“想不到四年没见,顾小姐越来越不要脸了!”顾淼淼怒:“你才不要脸,你全家都不要脸!”骂完席慕渊,顾淼淼拨腿就跑。只是,跑得了一时,跑不了一世。“妈妈,大一号在外面。”“什么大一号?”顾淼淼懵逼。“长得比我大一号!”她现在跑路,还来得及吗?Cause to Kill (An Avery Black Mystery—Book #1)
"A dynamic story line that grips from the first chapter and doesn't let go."--Midwest Book Review, Diane Donovan (regarding Once Gone)From #1 bestselling mystery author Blake Pierce comes a new masterpiece of psychological suspense.Homicide Detective Avery Black has been through hell. Once a top criminal defense attorney, she fell from grace when she managed to get a brilliant Harvard professor off—only to watch him kill again. She lost her husband and her daughter, and her life fell apart around her.Trying to redeem herself, Avery has turned to the other side of the law. Working her way up the ranks, she has reached Homicide Detective, to the scorn of her fellow officers, who still remember what she did, and who will always hate her.