蓬莱阁与八仙渡迤北海面上经常出现变幻莫测的海市奇观,令每个得饱眼福的人惊叹不已,“异事惊倒百岁翁”,一代文宗苏东坡大学士的感叹,正是所有目睹海市者的共同感受。古往今来,不知有多少人为这一海天景象所陶醉,所倾倒。在历代文人雅士留在蓬莱的诗文中,以海市为题材的咏唱俯拾皆是,占了很大比重,充分印证了它的魅力所在。The Link
The work The Link began as a 557-page outline that Richard Matheson wrote for a proposed twenty-hour ABC mini-series in the late 1970s. The ABC executives asked Matheson to shorten the series into seven hours but after Matheson had written three hours of the series, the two parted company. Matheson's original vision could not be condensed without destroying the essence of the plot and characters. Here in The Link is the original outline, in narrative form, in publication for the first time.The story follows Robert Allright as he explores his own demons as well as those of psychics past as he also struggles to decipher his father's dying wish to explore an archeological dig in Arizona. Allright's only clue is the mystifying crystal that his father believes is the key to a great discovery.悍妃萌夫