智慧是对一个人各种能力的综合评价,正如亚里士多德所说,智慧是知识的最完美的形式。智慧虽然在各个领域有其特定的含义,如对于艺术家来说,智慧指的是创造的能力,而对于政治家来说,则是处理复杂事务的能力,外交家的智慧则更侧重于反应和语言的能力等等……Voyagers III
Jo Camerata, the ambitious young student who fell in love with Keith Stoner, is now head of Vanguard Industries which has recovered an alien ship. As a result, Jo's company now controls the incredible wealth of technology aboard the ship as well as the fortune it reaps in - not to mention control of Keith Stoner.What Camerata does not know, however, is that someone else has been awake, someone who dwells deep within the recesses of Stoner's mind. The alienate presence that has kept Stoner alive for so long is now free and fully intends to explore our world and will let nothing stand in its way.