我想,作为第一线教师,我们要紧的不是盲目地否定哪种教法,也不是去证明许多种教法的没道理,更不是将某种教法不加任何更改就糊里糊涂地照搬到自己的课堂使用。好的一线教师应当像蜜蜂一样,在教学的百花园中,广泛采集对于自己有用的花粉,回来以后,酿造自己课堂教学的蜜。教师有必要集各家教法所长,结合自身的素质、个人性格特点以及学校和学生的实际状况,找到有自己特色的教学方法。同样是课堂,教师的心理状态各有不同。同样一篇文章,不同的老师讲,有的时候学生学得兴趣盎然,忽而眉飞色舞,忽而屏息凝神,这种课是一种享受。而有的时候,学生学得索然无味,忽而闭目瞌睡,忽而惊觉欠伸,这时的课则成了受罪。Tim Gunn
"There seems to be no one more qualified or equipped to ponder or even, dare I say, dictate 'quality, taste, and style' than Tim." -Sarah Jessica Parker, actor/producerTelevision has introduced the world to a new fashion authority: Tim Gunn. As Bravo's style mentor and Chair of the Fashion Design Department at Parsons The New School for Design, Tim delivers advice in a frank, witty, and authoritative manner that delights wkkk.net readers can benefit from Tim's considerable fashion wisdom in Tim Gunn: A Guide to Quality, Taste & Style. He discusses every aspect of creating and maintaining your personal style: how to dress for various occasions, how to shop (from designer to chain to vintage stores), how to pick a fashion mentor, how to improve your posture, find the perfect fit, and more. He'll challenge every reader-whether a seasoned fashionista or a style neophyte-to "make it work!"