《纪伯伦全集(共7册)》包括先知+泪与笑+沙与沫+叛逆的灵魂+光与静默+爱你如诗美丽+蓝色火焰,从这套书中你可以看到一个慷慨激昂、横眉冷对的纪伯伦;一位细腻、性感的纪伯伦;一位感性、沉默的纪伯伦;一位对未来充满希望、现在充满斥责的纪伯伦……或许这才是他作为20世纪最富盛名的思想家该有的一面。文中饱含纪伯伦对时代、民族、家国的忧思,因为《纪伯伦全集(共7册)》,他足以和鲁迅一起留名青史。The Painted Bird
Originally published in 1965, The Painted Bird established Jerzy Kosinski as a major literary figure. Kosinski's story follows a dark-haired, olive-skinned boy, abandoned by his parents during World War II, as he wanders alone from one village to another, sometimes hounded and tortured, only rarely sheltered and cared for. Through the juxtaposition of adolescence and the most brutal of adult experiences, Kosinski sums up a Bosch-like world of harrowing excess where senseless violence and untempered hatred are the norm. Through sparse prose and vivid imagery, Kosinski's novel is a story of mythic proportion, even more relevant to today's society than it was upon its original publication.