她,无恶不作,火烧天牢,拆毁凌霄殿,砍断蟠桃树,轰炸真君神殿。天庭众神,见之头疼却无可奈何。一不小心被玉帝王母下套,入凡也就罢了,不小心挂在旗杆上任人瞻仰,堂堂天庭八公主被送进警局,还指为神经病......天哪.....人间真爱,她找到了,也失去了。纠缠千年的记忆袭来,阴谋接踵而至。死而复生,周转冥宫。阴谋,权势,手段,鲜血,重重不断,她将冥王玩弄鼓掌,用生命做赌注,势保三界周全。冰冷的心,容得下三界却容不下一个小小的心爱之人!芙蓉殿中勾魂摄魄,菊花宴下才冠群芳,祭冥之中翩若惊鸿。一场荒谬誓言,她连丧两子。后宫女子如狼似虎,她痛失好友。折磨,忍耐,直到发疯。当友情、爱情、亲情远离而去,独剩一人,又该如何承担?看虚宁公主再世为妃,极致妖娆!..............本文终结,欢迎大家去看虫子的新文《爱的阶梯:总裁的迷路天使》虫子有访必回,有收必回收!Winter Kills
President Timothy Kegan is assassinated while riding in a motorcade in Philadelphia; a single shooter is caught and convicted. Fourteen years later, the slain President's brother, Nick, hears a deathbed confession that upends everything he thought he knew about his brother's death. In a desperate rush to find the real killer, Nick must navigate the murky waters of a conspiracy that involves the CIA, oil barons, the police force, movie stars, and people at the highest level of government.A gripping political thriller, this book contains disturbing echoes of the Kennedy Assassination. Rife with political intrigue, it addresses many mysteries that remain unsolved in the real life JFK case--and it's sure to keep you turning pages.