据说很是软弱又无能的王爷正在后院的凉亭里下棋。一青衣佩剑的侍卫前来,冷汗涔涔的开口:“主子,属下已经查清楚了,那个一毛不拔又处处跟您抢地盘的正是咱们府上那位。”至于是哪位,那还用得着明说么?下棋的动作依旧行云流水,那人头也不抬,淡淡的道:“无妨,抢回来便是。”“抢回来之后呢?”“以十倍的价格再卖给她。”青衣:“……”他以为主子会说给她送去,没想到……a w.kinglake - a biographical and literary study
本书论证现代民主的起源,品评马基雅维利、霍布斯、洛克、卢梭等启蒙思想家的意图及其得失,考察当代美国心智与德国思想之间的联系,批判20世纪60年代以来美国社会盛行的虚无主义及文化相对主义,揭示出民主政治之下高等教育的危机。Count Belisarius
Threatened by invaders on all sides, the Roman Empire in the sixth century fought to maintain its borders. Leading its defense was the Byzantine general Belisarius, a man who earned the grudging respect of his enemies, and who rose to become the Emperor Justinian's greatest military leader.Loosely based on Procopius' History of the Justinian Wars and Secret History, this novel tells the general's story through the eyes of Eugenius, a eunuch and servant to the general's wife. It presents a compelling portrait of a man bound by a strict code of honor and unrelenting loyalty to an emperor who is intelligent but flawed, and whose decisions bring him to a tragic end. Eminent historical novelist and classicist Robert Graves presents a vivid account of a time in history both dissolute and violent, and demonstrates one again his mastery of this historical period.