她曾是人人敬仰的千金,现在沦落到卖报纸为生。却在考上格圣利学院后,慢慢露出了她的本性。打架造反成了她的习惯!她的性格令人着迷,她的身世令人难猜。一下子碰上七个帅男,呃……她是不是走桃花运了?这些感情是捉弄人,还是真心真意?当心逐渐沉沦,扯开的却是一个深不见底的伤疤……On the Loom
In On the Loom, Maryanne Moodie brings the ancient art of weaving to the modern day in a comprehensive guide packed with step-by-step tutorials and beautiful photography. Learn the basics of this simple and beautiful craft with valuable information on basic stitches, tools needed, and even how to make your own looms. Split by loom type—circular, rectangular, and even found objects—24 lush, bohemian, and uniquely modern projects for the home and to wear draw deeply on the nostalgic quality of vintage textiles. In addition to the how-to, this is the ultimate resource for finding your own creativity and style through this medium, from learning which materials to use for different effects to discovering how to use color to create vintage-inspired projects with a modern twist.拉封丹寓言(语文新课标课外必读第二辑)