Double Tongue
With an introduction by Meg Rosoff William Golding's final novel, left in draft at his death, tells the story of a priestess of Apollo. Arieka is one of the last to prophesy at Delphi, in the shadowy years when the Romans were securing their grip on the tribes and cities of Greece. The plain, unloved daughter of a local grandee, she is rescued from the contempt and neglect of her family by her Delphic role. Her ambiguous attitude to the god and her belief in him seem to move in parallel with the decline of the god himself - but things are more complicated than they appear. "A remarkable work...A compelling storyteller as well as a clear-eyed philosopher of the dangerous puzzles of being human." (The Times). "A wonderful central character. The story stretches out as clean and dry and clear as the beach in Lord of the Flies."(Independent). "Feline, deadpan and at moments hilarious." (Observer).包容是一种大学问(精华版)
“起家词赋皆先泽,报国文章在此身。书生蝇头钻故纸,不输沙场斫贼刀。”一百八十三年的军机处,一笔厚重的历史,一群出类拔萃的人物,一堆有待挖掘的故事,在《军机处》三部曲之中,我将努力给读者朋友们展示一个全面而真实的军机处。American Hand Book of the Daguerreotype