千旋看着像狗皮膏药一样,时时刻刻都粘着自己的人,仅有的一点耐心终于被磨光。“你到底喜欢我什么?!我改还不行吗?!”“全部”白易邪魅的勾起嘴角,流光肆意。好!那你就看看我的全部都包括了什么....不是说你最在意你的义母吗?那给你义父找个女人怎么样?!“易儿,你还要让这魔女闹到什么地步?!”一直疼爱他的义母终于大发雷霆。“我就是要把她宠的无法无天,让别的男人都忍受不了她的脾气”白易慢条斯理的说道,妖孽的俊颜划过一丝宠溺的笑意.......AARP's 2014 Almanac
AARP's Almanac is packed with facts, figures and fun stuff relevant to people 50+. With a newly revised format, this treasure trove features--+ Ways to save money this year, including places to get free stuff (from good-for-you yoga classes to decadent doughnuts) as well as scams to avoid and seasonal best buys+ Milestone birthdays for celebrities, politicians and thought leaders, along with tidbits you may not know about them (such as who was inspired to become a lawyer by Perry Mason episodes?)+ A monthly guide to good health, seasonal power foods and delicious--and, yes, healthy--recipes+ Great vacation spots, film festivals, book fairs and food festivals nationwide+ Landmark 50th anniversaries to be celebrated in 2014, from the 50th anniversary of the Civil Rights Act to the Beatles' debut on "The Ed Sullivan Show"+ Tips for reimagining your life+ Supreme Courts cases that could affect you and your family