Written by master historian and authorized Churchill biographer Martin Gilbert, this masterful single-volume work weaves together the detailed research from the author's eight-volume biography of the elder statesman, and features new information unavailable at the time of the original work's publication. Spanning Churchill's youth, education and early military career, his journalistic work, and the arc of his political leadership, Churchill: A Life details the great man's indelible contribution to Britain's foreign policy and internal social reform.Offering eyewitness accounts and interviews with Churchill's contemporaries, including friends, family members, and career adversaries, this book provides a revealing picture of the personal life, character, ambitions, and drives of one of the world's most influential and remarkable leaders.王爷一号通缉令:追捕通灵妃
二十一世纪天才毒医安浅兮在一次任务中跟敌人同归于尽。一朝穿越,医毒在手,天下任我走,翻手丹药,生死人,肉白骨;覆手毒药,魂断九霄。可是谁来告诉她,这个赖在她身边的妖孽是何方神圣。“娘子,为夫病了。”苍寒宸抱住安浅兮的腰身,双手不停抹油。“滚。”安浅兮怒斥。“遵命,娘子。”苍寒宸开始宽衣解带。安浅兮:“……” (暂停更新。)