我是一个新上海人,从浙江过来。我的家乡是一个小县城,从我家到达上海,我记忆中的时间都是要十三四个小时,所以觉得好遥远。这二十多年下来我一直在比较,我觉得我确实很爱上海,爱上海的理由是我最好的青春都在上海度过。第二呢,我觉得上海让我的人生发生了重大的改变,在我读大学快毕业的时候,复旦当时的校长说,一个好的国家、好的社会,它一定是给年轻人最多机会的国家、社会。The Subterraneans
Written over the course of three days and three nights, The Subterraneans was generated out of the same kind of ecstatic flash of inspiration that produced another one of Kerouac's early classics, On The Road. Centering around the tempestuous breakup of Leo Percepied and Mardou Foxtwo denizens of the 1950s San Francisco undergroundThe Subterraneans is a tale of dark alleys and smoky rooms, of artists, visionaries, and adventurers existing outside mainstream America's field of vision.盛世倾宠:纨绔世子妃