"本书巧妙地将心理学与推销学融为一体,并综合消费学、人际学、口才学等知识,深入浅出地阐明了读心术、说服术、倾听术、掌控术、暗示术、攻心术、博弈术等各种销售中的心理策略和战术,并结合诸多生动活泼的营销案例和小故事加以说明,旨在帮助每一位推销员掌握销售活动中的心理规律,巧妙利用心理学的技巧在推销中百战百胜。兵法云:“攻心为上,攻城为下”,战争中强调心战为上,对于销售来说也莫不如此。先读顾客心,后学生意经。读懂了顾客的心理需求,天下就没有难做的生意。突破了顾客的心理防线,就能把任何东西卖给客户。"Before He Hunts (A Mackenzie White Mystery—Book 8)
From Blake Pierce, bestselling author of ONCE GONE (a #1 bestseller with over 900 five star reviews), comes book #8 in the heart-pounding Mackenzie White mystery series.In BEFORE HE HUNTS (A Mackenzie White Mystery—Book 8), victims are turning up dead in FBI Special Agent Mackenzie White's home state of Nebraska—all shot in the back of the head, and all bearing the card "Barker Antiques." The same card her father's murderer left on his body years ago.With a sudden urgency in the present, the time has finally come for Mackenzie to face her ghosts, to face her darkest past, and to find her father's killer.But her trip back down memory lane may take her to places she'd rather not see, and to discoveries she'd rather not find. She finds herself playing cat and mouse with a killer more sinister than she could imagine, and with her fragile psyche collapsing, this case, of all of them, may be the one that does her in for good.