【正文已完结,番外更新ing,强推自己新书《快穿成大佬的心尖宠》,超甜师徒联手虐渣渣!】 【1V1甜宠虐渣爽文,伪兄妹】彤素每个界面都穿成了大BOSS的养妹、继妹、师妹……只想抱紧哥哥大腿,完成虐渣任务,获得重生复仇的机会。 然而,那个大BOSS,怎么看她的眼神不太对?某人淡淡抬眸:“我不缺妹妹,只缺个媳妇儿。” 彤素:!!!女主归来,渣男贱女们,做好被虐的准备了吗?
Daddy, We Hardly Knew You
Influential feminist writer and intellectual Germaine Greer tracks the life of her father, an Australian intelligence officer during World War II, who died in her childhood. A secretive man, Reg Greer took pains to hide his working-class roots. As she painstakingly assembles the jigsaw pieces of his life, Germaine discovers surprising secrets about her father, her family, and herself.Obsessed with family history, Greer is chasing not just her father's life story, but the parental love she always felt deprived of. Brimming with emotion, loss, regret, fury, and the intense depth of love, this book offers a moving climax--as well as sharp observations about Australian culture during the war.哈佛大学的第一堂理财课
《哈佛大学的第一堂理财课 》一书中深入阐释了哈佛大学第一堂经济学课的两个重要概念:“花钱要区分投资行为与消费行为”,“每月先储蓄30%的工资,剩下的再进行消费”。然后引领读者了解当下最热门的理财投资品种:房产、黄金、股票、基金、债券、外汇。最后给出切实的忠告,避免盲目投资。哈尔滨出版社出版的《哈佛大学的第一堂理财课 》是一本实用的理财投资书,有助于读者了解理财投资,掌握实用的理财投资技巧,并引导读者树立正确的理财投资观。