文学作品是以语言为手段塑造形象来反映社会生活、表达作者思想感情的一种艺术,是人生的一面镜子。好的文学作品具有潜移默化的巨大作用,它能够开阔视野,增长知识,陶冶我们的情操。Station Island
The title poem from this collection is set on an island that has been a site of pilgrimage in Ireland for over a thousand years. A narrative sequence, it is an autobiographical quest concerned with 'the growth of a poet's mind'. The long poem is preceded by a section of shorter lyrics and leads into a third group of poems in which the poet's voice is at one with the voice of the legendary mad King Sweeney. 'Surpasses even what one might reasonably expect from this magnificently gifted poet.' John Carey, Sunday Times