他,夏氏企业的创始人兼当家人,拥有几辈子也花不尽的钱财,年纪轻轻地便屹立在世界富翁版以及黄金贵族单身版的首位,跺跺脚也可以让世界震一震的人。她,四大家族之一的艾家的宝贝千金,是被养在象牙塔里的公主,只要打上一个喷嚏也足以引起恐慌的人。本是毫无关联的两个人,却走在了一起,是阴谋,还是命中注定,无从所知。A Short History of Myth
Human beings have always been mythmakers. So begins best-selling writer Karen Armstrong's concise yet compelling investigation into myth: what it is, how it has evolved, and why we still so desperately need it. She takes us from the Paleolithic period and the myths of the hunters right up to the Great Western Transformation of the last five hundred years and the discrediting of myth by science. The history of myth is the history of humanity, our stories and beliefs, our curiosity and attempts to understand the world, which link us to our ancestors and each other. Heralding a major series of retellings of international myths by authors from around the world, Armstrong's characteristically insightful and eloquent book serves as a brilliant and thought-provoking introduction to myth in the broadest senseand explains why if we dismiss it, we do so at our peril.攻妻不备:老公的心尖宠