《少男少女文摘丛书》汇集的是近年来写得最优美真切、生动感人的少男少女作品。这里有少男少女们初涉爱河的惊喜、迷惘、痛苦和走出“误区”挽手无怨的历程,有对五彩纷呈的世界特殊的感受和选择,有在升学压力之下压弯了腰的哀怨和对父辈们关于人生关于命运关于社会的认从与反叛。Can I Sit on Your Lap While You're Pooping?
As a single dad, Matthew Carroll didn't always have someone to share in his frequent laughter and incredulity at the various things his daughter, Morgan, said. Hoping to docu?ment some of her best commentary, Carroll took to recording her choicest quotes on his iPhone when she was between the ages of three and five. He then compiled them chronologically in a small homemade volume for friends and family who, compelled by the hilarious and touching content, encouraged him to share it with a larger audience. Can I Sit on Your Lap While You're Pooping? is the record of the hilarious, crazy, and touching pronouncements of a little girl, but it's also the irresistible documentation of the love between a parent and child.Could You Succeed as a Business Leader?
Have you ever thought about moving from an individual contributor role or management role into a business leadership role? Maybe it sounds like fun, but are you ready to take the plunge? Find out in this fun yet informative ebook that explores the ups and downs of business management. It also includes a short personality quiz to see if you have what it takes.Fascination
When Hydee answers the ad placed by Marques Carlos de Alva Manrique, she expects to be taken on as a governess and nursemaid to his two children. But when the darkly handsome Marques makes a surprising alternative proposal--that she become his wife instead--Hydee could not be more shocked.She barely knows the man, but she finds herself undeniably drawn to him. Will she deny his proposal, or will his searing caresses draw her into a life she never could have imagined?