怎样快捷地了解世界,首先我们要从了解世界历史入手。人类历史发展为世界历史,经历了一个漫长的过程,生产力是历史发展的终极动力。从地球上有了人类那时起,人类的第一个活动便是生产活动,而且从未间断过。人类文明的演进,社会的发展,只能在生产力进步的基础上实现。旧石器时代使得氏族社会形成,金石并用时代又促成氏族社会解体,人类进入文明时代。在自然经济状态下,只可能有奴隶制度和封建制度,商品经济与市场经济却孕育出近代资本主义社会。手工工场时代、蒸汽时代、电器时代和信息时代将人类社会的进展划分为不同的发展阶段。这是二、三百万年来人类文明进程所确凿的事实。《世界经典历史故事》大体上是按照这个线索来编写的。Prime Ministers Who Never Were
Each of these chapters in this book of political counterfactuals describes a premiership that never happened, but might easily have done had the chips fallen slightly differently. The contributors, each of them experts in political history, have asked themselves questions like: what shape would the welfare state and the cold war have taken if the Prime Minister had been Herbert Morrison instead of Clement Attlee? What would have been consequences for Northern Ireland had Norman Tebbit succeeded Margaret Thatcher? How would our present life be different without New Labour - a name we would never have heard if either Kinnock or Smith had become Prime Minister and not Tony Blair? Each of the chapters in this book describes events that really might have happened. And almost did.