《美人恩》的故事发生在二十世纪二十年代的北京。女主角常小南生在底层穷苦人家,以捡煤核为生。一次偶遇失业潦倒的洪士毅,对她的命运深表同情,用在慈善会打替工的微薄收入接济常家生活。二人萌生爱恋之情。貌美体俏的常小南后被杨柳歌舞团领班相中,从此在爱情上见异思迁,先后甩掉洪士毅、乐师王孙,最终落入纨绔子弟陈四爷之手,导致常家家破人亡。Washington Masquerade
Adam Burns, Washington Post columnist and controversial presidential critic, is dead. With no clear circumstances, speculation, gossip, and rumor flood the media—was it accident, suicide, or murder? Conspiracy theories run amok, accusing none other than the President of the United States. Was Adam Burns the target of a government hit squad? Did someone decide to silence his diatribes once and for all?Fiona Fitzgerald, an unlikely hero in Washington D.C.'s blue-collar, predominantly male police force, is entrusted with unraveling Burns' death. Born into the elite social circles of the nation's capital, and with privileged access to what lurks behind the pristine fa?ade of the political establishment, Fiona is determined to expose the chicanery buried under prim rose bushes and concealed within the ceaseless Washington Masquerade.友情对白(读者精品)