为了让广大读者在最短的时间内获得最佳的阅读效果。我们遴选出近200篇为广大读者所熟知的中外 散文名篇。本书选文作者多为名家。中国作家中有蜚声中外的现代散文家鲁迅、朱自清、周作人、梁实秋 、丰子恺等,当代散文家季羡林、刘白羽、秦牧、贾平凹等;外国作家中既有享誉世界的大文豪。如萧伯 纳、纪伯伦、雨果等,又有诺贝尔文学奖获得者,如聂鲁达、川端康成等。《读者最喜爱的经典散文》将 不同国家、不同时代、不同流派的作家作品兼收并蓄,力求满足各方面读者的阅读需求。Been There, Run That
"This is what I want for entrepreneurs, especially for women: to believe in themselves, to dream bigger, reach higher, and to achieve success beyond their wildest expectations." —Kay KoplovitzBeen There, Run That is an anthology of blog posts by thought leaders in technology, media, e-commerce and life sciences, curated by Kay Koplovitz, founder of USA Network and chairman of Springboard Enterprises.In 2000, Koplovitz co-founded Springboard as an accelerator for an expert network of women entrepreneurs. In their first six months, Springboard companies raised over $165 million in total funding, and nearly $200 million in their first year.