莫名穿越,竟然成了女尊国中最不受宠的小公主,爹不疼娘不爱也就罢了,奴才也敢狗眼看人低?这双眼睛留着也没用!尊贵公主们组团来找茬?让他们后悔从娘胎里生出来!后宫里训刁奴斗恶姊,朝堂之上指点江山,曾经的受气包公主如今风华绝代!咦咦咦,身边怎么多了一堆颜值高气质好的痴情美男,各个都缠人!【情节虚构,请勿模仿】Knight, Heir, Prince (Of Crowns and Glory—Book 3)
"Morgan Rice has come up with what promises to be another brilliant series, immersing us in a fantasy of valor, honor, courage, magic and faith in your destiny. Morgan has managed again to produce a strong set of characters that make us cheer for them on every page.…Recommended for the permanent library of all readers that love a well-written fantasy."--Books and Movie Reviews, Roberto Mattos (regarding Rise of the Dragons)KNIGHT, HEIR, PRINCE is book #3 in Morgan Rice's bestselling epic fantasy series OF CROWNS AND GLORY, which begins with SLAVE, WARRIOR, QUEEN (Book #1).