Opened Ground
This volume is a much-needed new selection of Seamus Heaney's work, taking account of recent volumes and of the author's work as a translator, and offering a more generous choice from previous volumes. Opened Ground: Poems 1966-1996 comes as close to being a 'Collected Poems' as its author cares to make it. It replaces his New Selected Poems 1966-1987, giving a fuller selection from each of the volumes represented there and adding large parts of those that have appeared since, together with examples of his work as a translator from the Greek, Latin, Italian and other languages. The book concludes with 'Crediting Poetry', the speech with which Seamus Heaney accepted the 1995 Nobel Prize in Literature, awarded to him, in the words of the Swedish Academy of Letters, for his 'works of lyrical beauty and ethical depth'.倾歌天下
一场声势浩大、旷年持久的纷争,一曲悲欢千愁、家国兴衰的咏叹!一切的一切,皆起源于这个被满门抄斩,株连五族被贬黜冷宫,终身不孕更被奴才凌辱而死的女子!父兄势力的丧失,使她从贵妃沦为了废妃一道圣旨,更将她从妃嫔变为了和亲女一万石粮食,她就仅只这一万石粮食的价值?!是谁在爱恨中迷失了前路?又是谁在权势下臣服了欲望?用血铺成的复仇之路,又是谁,握紧了死神的利刃?……三国之乱,始于此女,亦终于此女。赔百姓千万人之命,丧军士之血染风延山脉万里雪红。后人称其,倾歌天下!—————————————————————————————凌晚蓝,百折而后强大起来的奇女子:“尊严诚可贵,生命价更高。若为自由故,二者皆可抛!”利飘雪,胤国的四王爷,满头白发的阴霾男子:“你想要的不就是自由吗?只要你助我夺得大胤、乃至于这天下,我给你!”楚御天,大楚的皇帝,幼年为质的变态皇帝:“朕幼年在衡国为质时,哪一天不被你这个高贵的相国千金欺负个三五回的,现在好不容易有了机会,岂能轻易便放了你?朕的爱妃!”宇文飞逸,衡国的皇帝,忍辱负重的少年天子:“朕立你作皇贵妃,无非是看着你那野心勃勃的父兄的兵权罢了,现在他们既然已死,你于朕,又还有什么意义呢?能换得一万石粮食,也算是物尽其用了!”推荐瑜自己的完结红楼V文《红影黛姿潇湘月》:强力推荐金多多巨彪悍巨好看的文《冷宫虐妃》:好友沧海明珠的红楼新文《红楼之黛色倾城》:好友银色月光的新文《娥妃》:好友诺诺宝贝超级无敌彪悍的好看文文:《血色妖瞳》精妙林兮巨好看的现代文:《美人宠》(瑜天天追的文,就是她丫的更新太慢,哎!)好友落花楼主的精彩正剧新文:《狠轻绝》(精彩不容错过哦!)四川老乡好友殷紫的青春幽默搞笑新文:《天杀的冤家》The Chronicles of Faerie
Gwen travels to Ireland to visit her cousin Findabhair, expecting a summer of backpacking, late nights, and the usual road trip adventures. But when Findabhair is kidnapped by the King of Faerie …