人的一生是一场修行,总会面对这样或那样的困难,南怀瑾先生将人生归结为三个阶段:莫名其妙的生来;无可奈何的活着;不知所以然的死掉。这是每个人都会遇到并不断求索的问题。在本书中,通过南怀瑾先生对国学经典的讲解,对儒、道、佛经典智慧的归纳,从做人的大智慧到生活中的小问题,深入浅出,化深奥晦涩为平易晓畅,在你人生路上指点迷津,为你讲述大得大失间的智慧。Cause to Kill (An Avery Black Mystery—Book #1)
"A dynamic story line that grips from the first chapter and doesn't let go."--Midwest Book Review, Diane Donovan (regarding Once Gone)From #1 bestselling mystery author Blake Pierce comes a new masterpiece of psychological suspense.Homicide Detective Avery Black has been through hell. Once a top criminal defense attorney, she fell from grace when she managed to get a brilliant Harvard professor off—only to watch him kill again. She lost her husband and her daughter, and her life fell apart around her.Trying to redeem herself, Avery has turned to the other side of the law. Working her way up the ranks, she has reached Homicide Detective, to the scorn of her fellow officers, who still remember what she did, and who will always hate her.