纵观蒙元历史,就是血淋淋的征服与统治的历史。成吉思汗及其后继者在50多年的时间里, 以总数不到40万人的军队,建立了人类历史上版图最大的国家一一蒙古帝国。本书以元朝十五位帝王为主线,从不同的角度再现了成吉思汗家族的兴衰荣辱。文中既有小故事的穿插, 又再现了历史原貌,极具知识性,是一部完整的元朝历史。The Sexual Life of Catherine M.
A national best-seller that was featured on such lists as The New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, The Washington Post, the San Francisco Chronicle, The Boston Globe, and Publishers Weekly, The Sexual Life of Catherine M. was the controversial sleeper hit of the year. Since her youth, Catherine Millet, the eminent editor of Art Press, has led an extraordinarily active and free sexual life -- from al fresco encounters in Italy to a gang bang on the edge of the Bois du Boulogne to a high-class orgy at a chichi Parisian restaurant. A graphic account of sex stripped of sentiment, of a life of physical gratification and a relentlessly honest look at the consequences -- both liberating and otherwise -- have created this candid, powerful, and deeply intelligent depiction of unfettered sexuality.