人生是洒满珍宝的荒原,大多数时候,我们都在通往目的地的路上。一路上有朋友,也有对手,更多时候,陪伴我们左右的只有自己的影子。当等不到黎明的时候,我们只能为自己充电;当冷雨来袭的时候,我们只能为自己取暖;对自己狠一点,我们才会变成马力强大的发动机,自我充电,自我发热。只有内心有了光和热,即使在最阴霾的日子,也会获得温暖和力量。对自己狠一点,如同点燃一支 火把,点燃沸腾的热血;对自己狠一点,如同你在春天里播下一颗成功的种子,总能等到金灿灿的收获季节。你准备好“狠”字当头了吗?当我们无法改变世界时,那就改变我们自己。Fly By Night
Everybody knew that books were dangerous. Read the wrong book, it was said, and the words crawled around your brain on black legs and drove you mad, wicked mad. Mosca Mye was born at a time sacred to Goodman Palpitattle, He Who Keeps Flies out of Jams and Butterchurns, which is why her father insisted on naming her after the housefly. He also insisted on teaching her to read—even in a world where books are dangerous, regulated things. Eight years later, Quillam Mye died, leaving behind an orphaned daughter with an inauspicious name and an all-consuming hunger for words. Trapped for years in the care of her cruel Uncle Westerly and Aunt Briony, Mosca leaps at the opportunity for escape, though it comes in the form of sneaky swindler Eponymous Clent. As she travels the land with Clent and her pet goose, Saracen, Mosca begins to discover complicated truths about the world she inhabits and the power of words.