在一起的第69天#“于穗,你有没有想过放弃我。”说出这话的时候祝宸身体微颤。于穗环住他的脖子,笑眯眯回答:“有那么一天想过。”祝宸眉头紧蹙,双手禁锢住于穗的下巴,厉声威胁的语气中带有一丝慌乱:“你说什么?”于穗神色自若,轻轻拿下祝宸的手,蜻蜓点水般亲了他一口。在他还没反应过来时,一个个字如山间清流般传来:“想过放弃你的那一天,会在61分,会在25小时,会在星期八,会在13月。”在一起的第369天#"于穗,你什么时候答应嫁给我。"电话里的祝宸问她。可电话那头只剩下呼吸声。"为什么不说话,你回答我啊。"祝宸手心的汗出了一层一层。"我...我在点头。"于穗已经哽咽的说不出话来。Opened Ground
This volume is a much-needed new selection of Seamus Heaney's work, taking account of recent volumes and of the author's work as a translator, and offering a more generous choice from previous volumes. Opened Ground: Poems 1966-1996 comes as close to being a 'Collected Poems' as its author cares to make it. It replaces his New Selected Poems 1966-1987, giving a fuller selection from each of the volumes represented there and adding large parts of those that have appeared since, together with examples of his work as a translator from the Greek, Latin, Italian and other languages. The book concludes with 'Crediting Poetry', the speech with which Seamus Heaney accepted the 1995 Nobel Prize in Literature, awarded to him, in the words of the Swedish Academy of Letters, for his 'works of lyrical beauty and ethical depth'.历史智慧教给年轻人的99条生存法则