雄伟的金字塔,壮观的狮身人面像,精美绝伦的方尖碑,让我们不禁为一个古国所创造的文明深深折服;保留千年而不朽的木乃伊,成功的心脏分离术,黑水晶制成的心脏起搏器,又为这个古国增添了一层神秘的面纱。我们在想,这些在我们今人看来还有难度的工作,还处于蒙昧蛮荒时代的古人就能够完成吗?Mediums Rare
Prolific screenwriter and genre novelist Richard Matheson has long maintained an interest in all matters relating to parapsychology, telepathy, ESP and other paranormal activity. His brief and elegantly printed new volume amounts to a lightly fictionalized history as well as quick, evocative episodes of paranormal activity from Greek antiquity all the way through renowned American psychic Edgar Cayce.Most of the episodes in this book depict the famous seers, mediums and performers of the nineteenth-century, whose feats Matheson clearly admires. Margaret and Kate Fox, aged ten and seven, in 1848 convinced their parents and many other Americans that they were in touch with ghosts in a haunted house. (Matheson notes that the adult Margaret recanted, explaining how she herself produced the ghosts' mysterious rapping noises: he believes the recantation fake, arranged by the sisters' enemies.)