皇桑重生了,凉凉还在萌蠢;皇桑决定好好只爱凉凉一个人了,凉凉还在萌蠢;皇桑忠犬得群臣激奋了,凉凉还在萌蠢……此文另一个名字《萌蠢凉凉虐重生帝千百遍》。皇桑不是处,不喜者慎入。****她是丞相嫡次女,和庶妹一起被送入藩王后宫为妃。庶妹被封为夫人,她却只是个美人!后宫险恶,少根筋的她常常能逢凶化吉!司洛芸觉得自己真的很低调了!但为什么大家都用想吃人的眼光望着她?大王落水、司夫人衣破、甄姬有孕……这些跟她都无关啊!**重生前,他被她蠢得要吐血!重生后,他被她蠢得偷偷吐了几次血!上一世他没有机会懂她,这一世他重生在最好的时机里,也懂了她那隐藏在看似呆板、不争、淡漠背后的脆弱!独孤夜发誓,这一世他要护她、疼她与他们的孩子一世无忧!前朝争斗不累及她烦忧,后宫不安分的女人不劳她动手……但是,皇后凉凉,您能不能开恩别再萌蠢得令皇桑时刻有吐血的冲动了?Signals for Strategists
This book is for strategists—leaders, managers, entrepreneurs—who are so caught up in the daily pressures of business that they're missing key signals of their future reality. It's like driving a car heads down, staring at the dashboard, rather than heads up, looking through the windshield. We need to do both. The book is devoted to the practice of sensing, or scanning the horizon for signs of emerging trends. The sooner we see them, the better our response.Each chapter starts with a set of signals—data we observed that, taken together, helped us to reveal a trend. The impact of new technology on strategy is a theme of the book, and each chapter looks at how organizations are using new technologies to their advantage.The Expedition of Humphry Clinker