The Siege
Ismail Kadare's The Siege dramatizes a relentless fictional assault on a Christian fortress in the Albanian mountains by the Ottoman Army in the fifteenth century. As the bloody and psychologically crushing struggle for control over the citadel unfolds, Kadare's newest work opens a window onto the eternal clash between religions and empires as well as the exhilaration, despair, and immediacy of the wkkk.net is a hugely respected novelist and a hero to his people, as well as an outspoken critic of all forms of totalitarianism. The Siege is a powerfully atmospheric … and vividly rendered (The Telegraph) novel of considerable cumulative power and resonance for our own times.重生校园:超级女学生
主脑在手,异能空间,热血励志,豪门权斗,门阀倾轧!前世,她被亲生父亲挖心至死!2118年的司沐夏重生到她的前世身上,时空逆转,改天逆命!弱小自卑被排挤?看她强势虐渣痛打小白莲!赌石?赌博?外挂让她赢到手软!创办公司,成为Z国经济领航者! 哼哼,媳妇这么强,怎么追?死缠烂打?你真OUT!且看爷的追妻108式,招招无耻狡诈!不虐身,不虐心,只有甜宠!如“亲爱的,要抱抱。”某男撅着小嘴,眨巴着眼瞅着她。司沐夏被他可怜兮兮的模样弄得暗笑不止,“嗯?抱抱之后是不是要亲亲?”点头如捣蒜,一双狭长的眸子正放着晶亮的光芒。“可是…我怀孕了。”某男脸色瞬间黑了