同名电视剧由钟汉良、Angelababy主演。白娉婷一向不信“女子无才便是德”这句话。她是小敬安王的侍女,却过得比一般小姐更加矜贵,所凭恃的不是容貌,而是比男子更睿智聪敏的头脑;她不需要旁人为她平庸的外在感到遗憾,她想要的是能够并驾齐驱、一较高下的心灵。因此,纵使那男人是敌国大将、纵使两人之间尽是谎言与阴谋,她依旧无法不为这个男人动心……Trans-Siberian Express
An epic tale about a land and a people Winston Churchill called "a riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma."American cancer specialist Dr. Alex Cousins is on a covert mission to the USSR. He is tasked with prolonging the life of Soviet Politburo Chief, Viktor Moiseyevich Dimitrov, who is suffering from advanced stage leukemia. But the tenuous confidence between the unlikely colleagues is shattered one night as Alex accidentally discovers Dimitrov's diabolical plans for a nuclear strike on China. Alex soon finds himself dispatched, homeward bound, on a six-thousand-mile journey aboard the Trans-Siberian Express; long enough, Alex realizes, to silence him from alerting the U.S. of the imminent destruction.