初见,温楚是乖乖牌的转学生,一不小心就惹上了陆御骁这个傲娇痞气的校园扛把子。某次,大家出行,温楚和陆御骁因为谁做菜产生分歧,陆御骁对她说:“我只给我未来媳妇做菜。”临走时,陆御骁问温楚:“你想吃我做的菜吗?”两人关系越来越好后,某次,晚自习看电影,陆御骁凑在她耳边咬牙切齿道:“温楚,别想装聋卖傻?这次你必须给我一个答案。”温楚还没说话,陆御骁又道:“当不当我女朋友?我只听肯定回答,不当我就亲到你当为止。”【从校园到婚纱,从喜欢到深爱,从始至终,你都是我记忆深处的那个人。时光如初,深爱如旧,愿青春时光善待每一个人。】【甜宠】When You Wish upon a Rat
With echoes of such classic wish-gone-wrong books as Freaky Friday, Half Magic, and Coraline, this terrific novel has the potential to become a middle-grade wkkk.net-year-old Ruth Craze is pretty sure she's stuck in the wrong life. With an absentminded inventor for a father and a flighty artist for a mother, it's always reliable Ruth who ends up doing the dishes, paying the bills, and finding lost socks. Her brothers are no help (they're too busy teasing her), and her friends have just decided she's not cool enough to be a part of their group anymore. So when Rodney the Rat —a slightly sinister stuffed animal that was a gift from her favorite aunt —suggests a way out, Ruth is ready to risk everything. Three wishes. Three chances to create her perfect life. A million ways to get it wkkk.net for When You Wish Upon a Rat"Winning, original moments." —Kirkus Reviews"An engaging look at friendship and family." —Booklist亿万星辰不如你一笑春风十里