如何让老公宠你一辈子 如何让老婆爱你一辈子
世界上只有两种人:男人和女人!但是,他们总是互相埋怨搞不懂对方!他们不知道如何去构筑一生圆满的爱,也不知道如何去避免爱情和婚姻中的“审美疲劳”。更不知道如何能让另一半对自己一辈子都矢志不渝。我们每个人每天都在学习,学习知识、学习技能、学习进步……却唯独忘记了去学习经营美满婚姻的秘籍。其实,老公和老婆都有各自的秘籍,只要读懂并满足彼此的天然需求,自然就能读懂对方的编码信息,从而进入到夫爱妇敬的“婚姻活力圈”。After Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil
Jim Williams had it all: style, culture, charisma, and sophistication. As a premier antiques dealer in Savannah, he mingled with celebrities, including Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis and the Rockefellers, who came to admire his extraordinary treasures. His legacy thrust Savannah into the national spotlight and transformed the genteel city into a tourist mecca.But three decades of hard work came crashing down the night he shot Danny Hansford, his wild young lover. Jim Williams stood trial four times over the next decade for premeditated murder.