Who Goes There?
A distant, remote scientific expedition taking place at the North Pole is invaded by a space alien who has reawakened after lying dormant for centuries after a crash landing. A cunning, intelligent alien who can shape-shift, thereby assuming the personality and form of anything and anyone it destroys. Soon, it is among the men of the expedition, killing each in turn and replacing them by assuming their shape, lulling the scientists one by one into inattention (and trust) and eventually, their destruction. The shape-shifting, transformed alien can pass every effort at detection, and the expedition seems doomed until the scientists discover the secret vulnerability of the alien and are able to destroy it.极乐庄主丽娘传
生命的自由是那么的可贵,生命有多值得敬畏,乱世中有的人为了活着,历经了种种的苦难,只为见到明天的旭日阳光,也有无数的人为了明天而放弃了自由。多年以后,他们都老了,在夕阳下磕着瓜子,看着小孙子在外面跑来跑去,丽娘说:“当年如果我不装死,你是不是永远都不会跟我说你爱我。”“我在用行动告诉你,我会用我的一生守护着你,希望你一生都活得肆意,哪怕我一生都只能活在黑暗里,直到听到你的死讯,我才后悔,我要亲手给你幸福,不假他人之手。”“真好,我终于不用追着你跑了,遇到你,我才知道我曾经所有的苦难都是为了让你来到我的身边,来世,你要记得我。”“嗯”。 PS:有兴趣的书友请多指教。大神请接招:学渣校草