本系列书是蒋勋先生在台湾“中国文学之美”的主题系列讲座整理而成,分为《蒋勋说文学:从诗经到陶渊明》《蒋勋说唐诗》《蒋勋说宋词》《蒋勋说文学:从唐宋散文到现代文学》《美,看不见的竞争力》五册。蒋勋把中国文学史从古代一直讲到现代,是一套完整的文学通史。一是讲得美,对中国文学中的美有非常不一样的解读,二是文字通畅优雅,没有艰深的学术词汇和框架。“蒋勋说文学之美”系列对读者从头到尾完整了解中国文学及美学,是不可多得的入门读物。A Radiant Life
A Radiant Life presents the unequivocal voice of Nuala O'Faolain tackling a vast range of subjects from Catholicism to feminism, from Sinatra to Africa, and from Irish American culture to Islam and the West. Curious and funny, tender and scathing, O'Faolain's columns were never less than trenchant and were always passionate. "I was blinded by the habit of translating everything into personal terms," she writes apologetically, but this is the power of her journalism. Through the prism of casual, everyday encounters, O'Faolain presses her subject, reaching beyond the prompting of the moment to transcend topicality. The result is a cumulative historical narrative, an inadvertent chronicle of a transformed Ireland by one of its sharpest observers and canniest wkkk.net for A Radiant Life:"This book is a gift." -The Boston Globe花开若惜莫相离·全本