现代聪灵少女那菲,因为带有永恒生命魔力的“安卡”而穿越到三千年前的尼罗河畔,凭借着自己的智慧和坚毅,那菲得到了摄政王子拉美西斯的另眼相看,贵族西木特对她一见钟情,三人间剪不断的纠葛情爱,那菲将会如何选择? 偶然间,那菲收养调皮可爱的小男孩哈克什和他的妹妹玛利亚,但这两人却带来了一连串难解的谜团——困扰那菲多年的身世之谜,前世今生的轮回之惑,时间长河的穿越之旅,最后将会落足于何处?总裁的专宠小妻
传闻说,秦铭不近女色,更唾弃为上位不择手段的女明星。但是他却运营着内地首屈一指的影视公司,造星能力超群。突然有一天,传闻变了,据说秦铭交了小自己三四岁的女朋友,圈内人士。听闻秦铭宠妻如命,众人皆赞叹该女子的手段,羡慕嫉妒。路祎刚出道就接了一个女三号的角色、签了内地最好的公司。公司老总居然是自己闺蜜的亲哥,有着被迫害妄想症的秦铭。每次见她,都没有好脸色。相看两相厌。经纪人为了帮路祎曝光,和某二线男星组cp,被主持人问道最欣赏什么样的异性,路祎毫不犹豫地说出二线男星的名字。一向清冷的秦总,把路祎堵在楼梯间的墙角,眼眸中带着火光:“昨天还抱着我说只喜欢我,怎么这么快就变卦了?”“酒后的话全是瞎话。”路祎暗暗发誓,再也不仗着自己酒量好胡乱喝酒了。公开恋情之后,被主持人问及谁追求的谁。路祎说是秦铭追的她,秦铭说是路祎主动。路祎眉眼弯弯:“谁追的谁不重要,主要看谁说了算。”My Life in Pink & Green
Twelve-year-old Lucy Desberg is a natural problem-solver. At her family's struggling pharmacy, she has a line of makeover customers for every school dance and bat mitzvah. But all the makeup tips in the world won't help save the business. If only she could find a way to make it the center of town again—a place where people want to spend time, like in the old days. Lucy dreams up a solution that could resuscitate the family business and help the environment, too. But will Lucy's family stop fighting long enough to listen to a seventh-grader? In a starred review, Kirkus said this novel "successfully delivers an authentic and endearing portrait of the not-quite-teen experience," and Booklist called it "a warm, uplifting debut." Readers everywhere have responded to Lucy's independence and initiative—not to mention her great style.