欢脱逗比同居日常1:“苏林寒,你家这饼干坏了吧?一股怪味道。”苏林寒擦着湿漉漉的头发,眉头一挑“嘶,我说坦克最近怎么老仇视你,你怎么把人家的饼干吃了?”“……苏林寒!你丫的把一个全是英文的狗粮放在茶几上居心何在!!”2:“苏林寒!你家洗衣机坏了啊?怎么不出水?”“买了两年多了,是应该换了,不过你要是把水龙头打开可能会好一点。”“……”3:“苏林寒你会开车吗?”“会,但没开过。”“没开过?那你还敢带着我!”“不然一个人怎么开?”“……你的高冷呢……”原本以为相遇只是一场意外,却没想过竟是一场精心策划的阴谋。本文欢脱宠,轻虐,1v1搞笑,纯爱!还有丧尸元素!总之,这是一个不一样的青春恋爱故事……Another Eden
Susanne thought she'd landed her dream job when she got the chance to work with renowned novelist Nick Merridew. But it got even better when she met his handsome brother, Richard. After a whirlwind romance, Susanne and Richard were engaged-and couldn't be happier.Then a car accident robbed Susanne of her sight just weeks before her wedding, and it wasn't Richard who was at her bedside. It was Nick-dark, handsome, and arrogant, a man whose presence had always filled Susanne with dangerous desire. Now Susanne had a heart-wrenching decision to make. And no matter what choice she made, she stood to lose-and gain-far more than the accident could ever take away.红尘禅影1:我用《红楼梦》讲《坛经》