《学生最想知道的未解之谜:百思不解的地理谜团》编排体例合理,图文并茂,语言通俗易懂,可以满足青少年读者的求知欲,激发其探索“谜底”的兴趣。同时也可作为中小学教师进行科普教育的参考书,配合学校素质教育的目的,提高青少年素质与思想素质。Old Times
Old Times was first presented by the Royal Shakespeare Company at the Aldwych Theatre, London, on 1 June 1971. It was revived at the Donmar Warehouse, London, in July 2004.'Old Times is a joyous, wonderful play that people will talk about as long as we have a theatre.' New York Times' What am I writing about? Not the weasel under the cocktail cabinet … I can sum up none of my plays. I can describe none of them, except to say: that is what happened. This is what they said. That is what they did.' Harold Pinter枕边囚爱:高冷首席请放手