"A wily thriller-fantasy … Each discovery sounds like the voice of a storyteller reminding us of how the gods play with our fates."New York TimesWinner of the Finlandia Award, Troll: A Love Story is an enchanting novel that has become an international sensation. Angel, a young photographer, comes home from a night of carousing to find a group of drunken teenagers in the courtyard of his apartment building, taunting a wounded, helpless young troll. He takes it in, not suspecting the dramatic consequences of this decision. What does one do with a troll in the city? As the troll's presence influences Angel's life in ways he could never have predicted, it becomes clear that the creature is the familiar of man's most forbidden feelings. A novel of sparkling originality, Troll is a wry, beguiling story of nature and man's relationship to wild things, and of the dark power of the wildness in ourselves.大神家那位又在闹海
原书名《报告长官:夫人在捉鬼》 第五家女人代代只能活到28岁,是报应也是命。第五念作为第五家87代传人,以收服妖魔为己任,她因为追一只千年的狐狸精,误闯了某个人的梦境,本着救人一命胜造七级浮屠的理念,在妖物的手上救了他一条小命,虽然梦中拜天地不算什么,却是秉承了天地,也算是夫妻了。姑姑哭啼,“第五念,你是蠢货吗?救人就救人,干嘛在梦里与那人拜了天地,你死后如何入得了第五家的祖坟?”第五念没心没肺的问,“为啥?”“你已经是闵家的媳妇儿了,我不管,你赶快给我去求一封休书。”“姑姑,别闹!”拜托,二十一世纪去找人求休书,她不被人笑掉大牙才怪。果不其然,她求也求了,人家根本把她当成了另类引起他注意的不轨女花痴。不仅如此,还大力的表扬了她,说是他有生以来见过最特别的手段。闵御尘冷冷的说道,“休书,可以有,看你的表现。”表现你个球啊!