《允许我让你幸福到热泪盈眶》是一部汇集民国16位当代文学大家的33篇爱情情书、散文、小说的作品集。全书以爱情为主题,其中包括沈从文写给张兆和的煽情书信,朱生豪写给宋清如的肉麻情书,有陆蠡描写新婚与妻子甜蜜互动的散文,有朱自清回忆妻子武钟谦的温情散文等,为读者展现灰色历史中的唯美爱情故事。《允许我让你幸福到热泪盈眶》中民国文学大家的文笔、意境俱佳,真人真情,感动无数读者。10th Muse: Blade of Medusa
In Greek mythology there were 9 Muses, the daughters of Zeus, but history forgot one - The 10th Muse - the Muse of Justice, Emma Sonnet's birthright! Emma Sonnet is on the debate team, a cheerleader and popular. Everyone in high school has their secrets, hers being a superhero. This is a tale of one girl that will make a difference. When students on the swim team are missing, the 10th Muse must solve the puzzle of the Minotaur in time to save them.星际转移
在江城,豪门千金乔悦彤就是一个大笑话。她在新婚之夜因为出轨暴露跳海自杀,声名狼藉,成为江城街头巷尾的笑谈。两年后,一个叫唐晚的夜场女子横空出世,她有着倾国倾城的容颜,有着七窍玲珑的心,还多才多艺,她巧笑倩兮游走于男人之间,她不要名不要利,一直目标明确,只为复仇而来。Oppose Any Foe (A Luke Stone Thriller—Book 4)
"One of the best thrillers I have read this year. The plot is intelligent and will keep you hooked from the beginning. The author did a superb job creating a set of characters who are fully developed and very much enjoyable. I can hardly wait for the sequel."--Books and Movie Reviews, Roberto Mattos (re Any Means Necessary)OPPOSE ANY FOE is book #4 in the bestselling Luke Stone thriller series, which begins with ANY MEANS NECESSARY (book #1)!A small arsenal of U.S. nuclear weapons are stolen from a NATO base in Europe. The world scrambles to figure out who the culprits are and what their target is—and to stop them before they unleash hell on humanity.浴火重生:嫡女很狂傲