京城有传言,荣亲王府世子,久病不愈,十足十的病秧子。又传言,容世子一缎白绫遮眸,估计是有眼疾,走个路一步三咳,命不久矣,可惜当今圣上宽厚仁慈,独宠一个病秧子,委实令人痛心疾首。而伪佛系少女遇到善良小白花的某人之后,从此走上了一条不归路,先是三观尽毁,再是底线被无数次刷新,然后还被病娇白莲花骗吃骗喝。她身体力行的证明,传言传言,可信,又不可全信,必要时绝对不信!!!后来京城有谣言,相府嫡女,因贪图世子美色,三次舍身相救,而后以救命之恩胁之,并有言:汝不娶,吾便自刎于湘江!世子清冷,不从,此女不堪受辱欲投湖西去,世子心善留之,而后因其胁迫娶之。某日某女闻此言,秀丽绝美的脸色微沉,纤细手指差点将手中的花枝折断,咬牙切齿道:“果真恬不知耻!”彼时有人踏雪而至,昏黄的灯光衬的他愈发身长玉立,一双墨华的眸子盛下她周身光景,显的越发夺目,他步步逼近她,修眉长睫皆落了霜雪。绯色的薄唇轻启,声色温浅:“既要娶妻,知耻做甚。”梅花初绽,雪下的更加密了,不知是谁心底发出一声纵容的喟叹容世子你长的好看,所以你真的可以为所欲为。Harold Pinter Plays 2
The second volume of Harold Pinter's collected work includes The wkkk.net CaretakerIt was with this play that Harold Pinter had his first major success. The obsessive caretaker, Davies, is a classic comic creation, and his uneasy relationship with the enigmatic Aston and Mick a landmark in twentieth-century drama.'The play remains a masterpiece.' Daily Telegraph The Collection This one-act play for television explores the sexual manoeuvres between two couples in the clothing trade. 'Taps the adrenal flow of contemporary guilt and anxiety.' Time The Lover Richard and Sarah conduct themselves with apparent respectability in the mornings, whilst living out a sequence of erotic rituals in the afternoons. 'Beautifully written... the sexiest play I remember seeing on the television.' Sunday Times The volume also includes Night School and The Dwarfs, plus five revue sketches written during the same period.