郭沫若(1892-1978)是我国著名的诗人和作家、历史学家和古文字学家。曾任中国科学院院长、哲学社会科学部委员和主任。他学识渊博、才华卓著,在哲学社会科学的诸多领域均有重大建树。本文集选录他有关历史学、古文字学和文艺理论、文艺批评的一些重要的、有代表性的学术论文四十八篇,分为上下两编。 编为历史学和古文字学,下编为文艺理论和文学批评。古龙文集:多情剑客无情剑(下)
The Unnamable - so named because he knows not who he may be - is from a nameless place. He speaks of previous selves ('all these Murphys, Molloys, and Malones…') as diversions from the need to stop speaking altogether. But, as with the other novels in the trilogy, the prose is full of marvellous precisions, full of its own reasons for keeping going. …perhaps the words have carried me to the threshold of my story, before the door that opens on my story, that would surprise me, if it opens, it will be I, will be the silence, where I am, I don't know, I'll never know, in the silence you don't know, you must go on, I can't go on, I'll go on.