我才认得梅玲姑娘的时候,梅玲还是一名初中生,头上束着两根朝天辫,走路的时候脑瓜顶上一窜一窜的,一副怒发冲冠的卡通相。有一天,我提着从食品店买来的二斤半核桃酥到老梅家去串门。老梅是梅玲姑娘的爹,我的想象力素来比较丰富,但唯独在这件事情上却出了点儿岔头儿,因为我没料到,抑或说我没能想象得出来,平素和我没大没小惯了的老梅膝下竟会依偎了这么大的一个宝贝闺女。照实讲,在我见到梅玲姑娘前,我还以为我这辈子跟老梅的缘分不过也就是一对儿棋友而已,闲下来摆摆象棋骂骂闲街的,怪单纯,也怪有趣,没承想我们这一对儿臭棋老道很可能还能进化出比哥们儿更亲情更接近于血缘的某种关系来,这虽是我的一厢情愿,但这种想法却在我脑壳里如萦绕在腐肉周遭的苍蝇一般挥之不去,它令我的梦境在某一个阶段里变得五彩斑斓、有浓有淡,心情更像是不断被放飞出去的鸟儿一样在天空里恣肆翻飞、起起落落,我小心翼翼的在心底下问自己:莫非,莫非这就是传说中的爱情吗?The Last Thing You Said
Last summer, Lucy's and Ben's lives changed in an instant. One moment, they were shyly flirting on a lake raft, finally about to admit their feelings to each other after years of yearning. In the next, Trixie—Lucy's best friend and Ben's sister—was gone, her heart giving out during a routine swim. And just like that, the idyllic world they knew turned upside down, and the would-be couple drifted apart, swallowed up by their grief. Now it's a year later in their small lake town, and as the anniversary of Trixie's death looms, Lucy and Ben's undeniable connection pulls them back together. They can't change what happened the day they lost Trixie, but the summer might finally bring them closer to healing—and to each other.医妃有毒:殿下,请入瓮