本书选取了诸多较有影响力的经典哲理美文,其内容涉及人生的方方面面,它们有的睿智凝练,让心灵为之震撼;有的灵气十足,宛如一线罅隙中奔涌而出的清泉,悄然渗入心田。为了方便您的阅读,编者还在每篇文章的结尾处附注了“哲语沉思”,引导您去品味其哲思与意蕴。相信每一篇美文都会叩击您的心灵,让您在阅读之余收获那久违的感动与激励,从此不再寂寞与孤独,从而怀着淡定从容的心态去找寻那迷失已久的精神家园。Reel Life Starring Us
Rockwood Hills Junior High is known for the close-knit cliques that rule the school. When arty new girl Dina gets the opportunity to do a video project with queen bee Chelsea, she thinks this is her ticket to a great new social life. But Chelsea has bigger problems than Dina can imagine: her father has lost his job, and her family is teetering on the brink. Without knowing it, Dina might just get caught in Chelsea's free fall. Filled with honest truths about status and self-confidence, as well as the bubbly, infectious voice Lisa Greenwald mastered in her breakout, My Life in Pink & Green, this book is sure to charm tween readers everywhere.