《中国美学通史》是关于中国历史上美学思想的发展史。美学是对审美活动的理论性思考,是表现为理论形态的审美意识,所以这部美学通史不同于审美文化史、审美风尚史等著作。 这部《中国美学通史》是由教育部文科重点研究基地北京大学美学与美育研究中心组织编写的。由汤凌云著,叶朗任主编。 这部美学通史共有八卷,分别是先秦卷、汉代卷、魏晋南北朝卷、隋唐五代卷、宋金元卷、明代卷、清代卷、现代卷。
President Elect (A Luke Stone Thriller—Book 5)
"One of the best thrillers I have read this year. The plot is intelligent and will keep you hooked from the beginning. The author did a superb job creating a set of characters who are fully developed and very much enjoyable. I can hardly wait for the sequel."--Books and Movie Reviews, Roberto Mattos (re Any Means Necessary)PRESIDENT ELECT is book #5 in the bestselling Luke Stone thriller series, which begins with ANY MEANS NECESSARY (book #1), a free download with over 500 five star reviews!When China threatens to bankrupt the U.S. by calling in its debt, Americans are desperate for radical change. President Susan Hopkins, running for re-election, is floored as she watches the returns come in. Her rival—a madman senator from West Virginia who ran on the promise to nuke China's islands out of the South China Sea—has, inconceivably, won.飞狐外传(上卷)(纯文字新修版)