生活中,我们时常会为各种各样的决定而苦恼,如果你不想让自己一事无成,不想碌碌无为,也不想让自己误入歧途,那么就要学会如何去避免错误的决定。你是否知道自己的决定错在哪里?应该如何去避免类似的错误?如何从错误中学习到更多的经验?如何去解决问题,让自己的决定少出错?翻开本书,从实战角度为您剖析做决定时遇到的各种问题,分析决定出错的原因,探寻决策问题的解决方法,让你不再为做决定感到迷茫与困惑。The Casanova Embrace
From the carcass of a Washington, D.C. car bomb explosion, the CIA launches an investigation into the mysterious events leading to the assassination of Chilean dissident and infamous casanova, Eduardo Allesandro Palmero. As CIA investigator Alfred Dobbs rummages through the evidence, Palmero's mysterious life, from heir to the Chilean oligarchy to a fist-raising Marxist and trickster in disguise, comes to light. But what Dobbs soon discovers soars beyond his wildest imagination.At the height of international terrorism, Eduardo fights his war with an unlikely weapon—seduction. From Marie DeFarge to Frederika Millspaugh to Penny Anne McCarthy, Eduardo orders his sex-craving subjects into battle, tearing them from a life of tranquility and into the passionate caress of a man who will stop at nothing for a cause, his cause. Soon enough, Marie, Frederika and Anne are making headline news as part of a South American terror squad.喋血宫闱谋:煞妃惊华