做为一个优秀男孩的父亲,一个多年的图书馆馆长,作者以丰富的一手资料为基础,以敏锐、客观的视角,专业的学识,从细节向父母和孩子介绍青春期阶段男孩的身体和心理都会有哪些变化,并且提出了一些父母如何做才能让男孩变得快乐、自信和友善,如何让男孩保持身心处于最佳状态的建议,包括怎样对付学校里的“小帮派”“小霸王”,还有如何更好地与朋友交流和相处。Following the Way Fellowship of Prayer 2018
Ash Wednesday is February 14, wkkk.net does it mean to be a follower of Jesus? How do we walk with him along the way? Our annual Lenten devotional offers daily reflections and prayers to help guide and deepen your journey with Jesus this Lenten season. Purchase copies for yourself and all members of your congregation!