日记,2028年2月28日,晴。今天,我成功召唤出了从者,但这家伙有些奇怪,至今,我还没有弄清楚他的职阶是什么。在他自称是Saber(剑士)的时候,他用的武器却是长枪,他说这样能增加幸运值,或许能提升暴击几率。后来,他又自称自己是Archer(弓兵),可使用的武器却是一把巨剑,他说不会近战的Archer都是三流货色。直到现在,我都记得把他召唤出来时,他所对我说的第一句话,他说:“你他娘的就是老子的master吗?来吧,让我们开始吧!圣杯战争!”History of the Twentieth Century
The 20th century has been one of the most unique in human history. It has seen the rise of some of humanity's most important advances to date, as well as many of its most violent and terrifying wars. This is a condensed version of renowned historian Martin Gilbert's masterful examination of the century's history, offering the highlights of a three-volume work covering more than 3,000 pages.From the invention of aviation to the rise of the Internet, and from events and cataclysmic changes in Europe to those in Asia, Africa, and North America, Martin examines art, literature, war, religion, life and death, and celebration and renewal throughout the world, and throughout this turbulent and astonishing century.父母,请这样培养孩子的情商